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Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist
Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist
Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist
Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist
Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist

P/N SEB33100302-307

Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist

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Introducing the Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist, booklet and arm bracelet.

  • An extraordinary replica from the spacewalks (EVA) of Discovery mission STS-82 which flew in February 1997. This was NASA's second mission to service in orbit the Hubble Space Telescope with five successful EVAs lasting 33 hours in total.
  • The cuff checklist is all metal construction and painted light grey. The booklet is intended to be easily separated from the arm bracelet without specialist tools.
  • The curved shape is designed to keep the booklet open at the required page. 
  • Contents:
    • First few pages are reference EMU operating parameters, Displays and Control Module (DCM) diagram/comms frequencies and airlock procedures.
    • Middle pages of the booklet with tabs bordered in red are concerned with EMU malfunction procedures during EVA.
    • Remainder of the booklet are notes (with diagrams) on operating various items of Orbiter equipment.
    • There are no instructions specific to the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • Differences between this Space Shuttle EVA cuff checklist and the Apollo Lunar Surface ones: the bracelet is wider to accommodated the new catch assembly; the pages are wider with only four tabs visible at a time; there is an expandable strap integral to the arm bracelet.


Enquiries welcome. 


Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checlkist

Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist
Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist
Space Shuttle EVA Cuff Checklist